Fletcher Academy is committed to providing expectations and opportunities for all students to understand, demonstrate, and practice the Christian life-skills and characters that will help them to become responsible citizens for successful living in this world and in the world to come. Our students are taught to understand the fundamental differences between right and wrong, to think before acting, to respect themselves and others, to demonstrate responsible decision-making, and to be accountable for their behavior. This striving for excellence in Christian characters sets before each student the goal of being all that he or she can be – “attaining the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.” (Eph. 4:13)
Character Traits
- Brothers’ Keeper: Demonstrating understanding and concern for others
- Courage: Standing for what is right even if you stand alone
- Honesty: Revealing truth through thoughts, words, and behavior
- Initiative: Moving from thought to action
- Perseverance: Completing what you start, no excuses
- Purity: Possessing virtue and morality
- Respect: Showing a deep admiration and consideration for others
- Responsibility: Doing what’s right and being accountable for your choices
- Service: Putting others’ needs before your own